Advocate Janusz Tomczak to head the Raczkowski Paruch Business Crime Law and Compliance Team


Janusz Tomczak, advocate, has been appointed the leading partner of the Business Crime Law and Compliance Team. He joined the firm in September 2018. Previously, he worked for Wardyński i Wspólnicy, where he led the criminal law practice.

He is experienced in representing clients that face risks related to criminal liability. He has worked on projects aimed at preventing irregularities, designed and implemented anticorruption procedures and whistleblowing lines, at both Polish and international organizations. He is a member of the Criminal Law Committee of the International Bar Association, a Transparency International expert and a disciplinary judge. 

The Raczkowski Paruch Business Crime Law and Compliance Team supports clients by representing them before law enforcement and other agencies, in internal investigations, in the design and review of compliance programs and in crisis management.

Dominika Stępińska-Duch, who has been the Team’s leading partner, is assuming on 1 September the post of a Management Board Member in charge of the Legal Division at TVN Discovery Polska, a leading media conglomerate. TVN Discovery Polska is a leading TV broadcaster in Poland. It belongs to the global media leader Disovery (Nasdaq: DISCA, DISCB, DISCK). 

“We are honored that our lawyers are recognized by the business world and get the chance to develop inside global organizations. At the same time, together with Janusz Tomczak we will consistently pursue the strategy of supporting our clients and developing the Business Crime Law and Compliance Team within our Firm”, says advocate Bartłomiej Raczkowski, managing partner at Raczkowski Paruch.

“Together with our clients we take and implement decisions to support their business. With individual approach. Literally. Such partnership is an element of our mission. Our clients’ success is our overarching goal”, commented Sławomir Paruch, the Firm’s partner in charge of business development.

Raczkowski Paruch are a team of expert lawyers who specialize in serving companies in all legal issues related to HR management, including labor and social security law, litigation, compliance, business crime law, personal data protection, global mobility and immigration and employee taxation. The Firm currently has nearly 60 lawyers. These include Łukasz Pisarczyk, Ph.D., the University of Warsaw professor who is one of the top authorities on labor law in Poland. Raczkowski Paruch is a member of Ius Laboris, the biggest international association of law firms of a similar profile, which is present in 58 jurisdictions. Through Ius Laboris, Raczkowski Paruch ensures coordinated legal support in all important jurisdictions.