Working Time 2015


The author of the publication is Łukasz Chruściel, legal advisor, Partner at the Raczkowski Paruch law firm, managing the office of the firm in Katowice.

The publication has been prepared for persons applying the labour law in practice, HR department employees, internal lawyers and employees who would like to develop their knowledge of the labour law.

The publication is unique because it does not focus on theoretical issues relating to working time but instead it discusses the most important and most common problems occurring in practice. The author examines cases and presents practical solutions. The publication covers, inter alia, the following:

From the publication, the reader will learn, among other things:

- at what point should counting of working time of a sales representative start?

- what compensation may an employee claim due to non-allowing him to take a daily rest break?

- should overtime worked for the previous employer be included in the annual overtime hours limit?

- how will unauthorised absence impact the settlement of the average weekly overtime hours?

- can the employer apply various night time working hours for various employee groups?

The aforementioned publication is now on sale. Please contact us in the case of any problems to purchase it. In such case, we will send it to you from our internal reserves.