Labour Code 2015


Authors of the publication are Sławomir Paruch, legal advisor, and Robert Stępień.

The Commentary is addressed primarily to persons managing HR departments and directors of legal departments, but also to all persons interested in the labour law.

The Commentary includes several practical comments and examples, the purpose of which is to present specific amendments to legal regulations and opinions expressed in judicial decisions in the context of everyday practice of the labour law application by employers. In the Commentary, you will find answers to the following questions:

- what is the essence of specific amendments to the labour law and their consequences in practice?

- what types of amendments to the labour law should be expected in the nearest future and what will they mean to employers?

- how to understand specific hypotheses and views presented in judicial decisions of the Supreme Court and what is their impact on the present practice of the labour law application?

We would like to invite you to read the Commentary, while believing that it will prove useful, primarily, but not only, in your daily work.

The aforementioned publication is now on sale. Please contact us in the case of any problems to purchase it. In such case, we will send it to you from our internal reserves.